The Collection, called «Rhetorica Semitica»”, and printed by Convivium Press, Miami, (Florida) in co-edition with Gregorian & Biblical Press, publishes studies – in Spanish and English – that apply the by now well known methodology of biblical and Semitic rhetoric to texts both of the Bible and of other Semitic literature, in particular the Koran. The new Collection is sustained by the International Society for the Study of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric (RBS). There have been two volumes published at this stage.
The first is by Roland Meynet, director of the Collection: Llamados a la libertad, which studies some of the most important texts of the Old Testament on the theme of liberation: liberation from the country of Egypt with the passing through of the Red Sea, the gift of the law of freedom with the Decalogue on Mount Sinai, hymns to freedom with the psalms sung on the night of the Passover to celebrate their leaving Egypt, the land of slavery. It is a fundamental biblical theme of the Bible, of interest to all, although particularly to both parts of America.
The second volume is that of Michel Cuypers, The Banquet. A Reading of the Fifth Sura 5 of the Qur’an. This sura is one of the most entangled one of the Koran; it seems of a completely composite nature, presenting a collection of scattered passages on heterogeneous themes and of diverse literary genders. This text, however, when analyzed by the literary characteristics of Rhetorical Semitics, reveals itself to be very well organized. The analysis of its composition, together with the study of the biblical background of the sura, allows us to grasp the logic of its thought and better understand its message. The author received the «World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran» for the original French version of this book, on the 7th of February, 2009.
The Banquet. A Reading of the Fifth Sura 5 of the Qur’an
Along with these two volumes of the “Rhetorica Semitica”, the volume of the Acts of the first Convention of the RBS will also be presented: Retorica Biblica e Semitica 1 (twelfth volume of the Collection «Biblical Rhetoric»), published by Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna, with the support of the Sacred Military Constantine Order of Saint Giorgio.
The panel has been organized by:
- Pontificia Università Gregoriana
- Società internazionale per lo studio della Retorica Biblica e Semitica
- Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio
- Convivium Press
- Gregorian & Biblical Press
- Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
- Sergio BASTIANEL sj, Vice Rettore accademico:
Apertura della tavola rotonda. To view the report
- Prof. Rafael LUCIANI, direttore dell’editrice Convivium Press:
Presentazione dell’editrice Convivium Press e della sua collaborazione con l’Università Gregoriana. To view the report
- S.Em.R. Cardinale Albert VANHOYE sj, presidente onorario della Società internazionale per lo studio della Retorica Biblica e Semitica (RBS), Gran Priore del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio:
Presentazione del primo volume della collana “Rhetorica semitica” in spagnolo, R. Meynet, Llamados a la libertad. To view the report
- Prof. Felix KÖRNER sj, pro-preside dell’Istituto di studi interdisciplinari su religioni e culture:
Presentazione del primo volume della collana “Rhetorica semitica” in inglese, M. Cuypers, The Banquet. A Reading of the Fifth Sura 5 of the Qur’an. To view the report
- Prof. Donath HERCSIK sj, Decano della facoltà di teologia:
Presentazione dei volumi di S.E.R. Luis F. Ladaria, Jesus Christ, Salvation of all e The living and true God. The mystery of the Trinity. To view the report
- Messaggio di S. A. R. Il Principe Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, Duca di Castro, Gran Maestro del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio To view the report
- S.E. l’Ambasciatore Giuseppe BALBONI ACQUA, Segretario del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio:
Presentazione del volume Retorica Biblica e Semitica 1. Atti del primo convegno della RBS, curato da R. Meynet e J. Oniszczuk. To view the report
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