Rome, September 21-25, 2015 RBS held a week-long “Learning Seminar in Biblical Rhetorical Analysis”: Monday, September 21 to Friday, September 25, 2015, at the Gregorian University. 1...
Rome, 25-27 September 2014The 18 papers for the Fourth RBS Conference Publication of the ActsThe Proceedings of the third conference are published in the series “Biblical & Semitic...
Rome, 27-29 September 2012 Article Summaries Publication of Acts The Proceedings of the third conference are published in the series “Biblical & Semitic Rhetoric,” at Gregorian &...
Roma, Semptember 27th-29th 2010 The second conference of the RBS, like the first, is primarily intended for those interested in rhetorical analysis: researchers, teachers and students. They will be...
Solomon’s knot is a decorative motif found as much in synagogues as in churches of the first centuries of our era. It has also been taken up in the Muslim world where it bears the same name:...
Dear friends, The health issues are what they are, but the vaccination campaigns give hope for an end to the tunnel. Life has not stopped since the seventh symposium last September and the projects...
Pietro Bovati – Roland Meynet, Il libro del profeta Amos. Seconda edizione rivista, RBSem 21, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (490 p.) Amos is one of the twelve “minor prophets”; the first...
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43-72), RBSem 20, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (420 p.) Like the first, third and fifth books of the Psalter, the second book of the Psalter is a very elaborate...
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), RBSem 19, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (269 p.) The third book of the Psalter is considerably shorter than the first and especially the fifth. Its...
F. Graziano – R. Meynet, Studi del sesto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, RBSem 18, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (364 p.) In odd-numbered years, the “International...