Newsletter 25

Dear friends,

The health issues are what they are, but the vaccination campaigns give hope for an end to the tunnel. Life has not stopped since the seventh symposium last September and the projects are moving forward.

A very sad news

Unfortunately, we have to start with a very sad news: the sudden death at the age of 56 of Paul Peeters, general manager of Peeters Publishers, the publishing house that publishes our series Rhetorica Biblica and Semitica. Our sincere condolences to his wife and their two children, his parents, his brother, and the entire publishing house

The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the RBS (1-3/10/2020)

Prepared mainly by Francesco Graziano and Bernard Witek, the volume is in printing: Francesco Graziano – Roland Meynet – Bernard Witek, ed., Studi del settimo convegno RBS. Inter­national Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, Peeters, Leuven 2021 (314 p.). See the table of contents:


Luísa Maria ALMENDRA
«Recognizing a Singular Knowledge and Wisdom.
Literary Strategies of Section Job 38:1–42:6»

Bernard WITEK
«Advice on Moderation. Rhetorical Analysis of Proverbs 25»

«Eshet Chayil (Prov 31:10-31).
The Question of the Rhetorical Composition and Function»

«Gli oracoli di distruzione contro l’Egitto Ez 29–32.
alla luce della retorica ebraica»


Francesco GRAZIANO
«Il Messia e l’insegnamento per Israele.
Analisi retorica di Mt 15,1–16,12. Seconda parte»

Roberto DI PAOLO
«L’autorità di Gesù Re e Profeta.
Analisi retorica biblica di Mt 21,1–22,14»

«Jean 3,22 à 4,3.
Séquence centrale de la première section du IVe Évangile»

«Show Yourself to the World.
A Rhetorical Analysis of John 7:1-13»

«Love, Blessing and Betrayal
A Biblical Rhetoric Analysis of John 13:1-30»


«Structure et contexte biblique de la sourate 8»

«Une lecture rhétorique de la sourate 79,
al-nâzi‘ât, “Celles qui tirent”»

Nicolas LEROUX
«Néferabou : pécheur pénitent et poète avisé.
Structure rhétorique des stèles CGT 50058 et BM EA 589»

Gérard JOYAU
«L’organisation de la communauté bénédictine.
Le chapitre 63 de la règle de saint Benoît»


«Interdépendance des niveaux.
Quand l’analyse du niveau supérieur
permet de dirimer celle du niveau inférieur»

The 8th Training Seminar on Biblical Rhetorical Analysis (27/09-01.10/2021)

Like every odd year, RBS offers a training seminar on biblical rhetorical analysis. Registration ends on 15 June 2020. Think about it and… decide as soon as possible.

Our recent publications

– Roland Meynet, La Lettre aux Galates. Deuxième édition revue, Peeters, Leuven 2021 (279 p.).

– Roland Meynet, La Pâque du Seigneur. Passion et résurrection de Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques. Troisième édition revue, Peeters, Leuven 2021 (517 p.).

– Roland Meynet, Traité de rhétorique biblique. Troisième édition revue et amplifiée, Peeters, Leuven 2021 (621 p.). The enlargement is due to the incorporation of a new compositional figure, the elliptical, or double-focus composition. The system is thus completed, and in a more regular way: compositions with a centre: concentric construction (one centre) and elliptical construction (with two focal points) and compositions without a centre, parallel and mirror constructions. Moreover, in order to prevent the volume from becoming too large, it has been lightened of the extreme chapters of the first two editions: «History» is available on the RBS website, «Perspectives» had little reason to exist. Thus, paradoxically, this «expanded» edition is shorter than the previous ones: 621 p. instead of 717!

– Roland Meynet – Jacek Oniszczuk, Exercices d’analyse rhétorique biblique, RBSem 29, Peeters, Leuven 2021 (360 p.).


– English translation of Exercices d’analyse rhétorique, made by Arul Jesu Robin Muthiah, revised and corrected by Bernard Witek.

– Bernard Witek is preparing the English translation of the commentary on the Psalter by R. Meynet. The First Book (Ps 1–41) is translated and currently being revised.

– Roland Meynet, commentary on Qoheleth.

Becoming a member of the RBS or … Renewing your membership

If you have not done it yet, it is not too late to become a member of the RBS – or to renew your membership – for the year 2020/21 (from September to September). This is also a modest but effective way to support and encourage the projects of the RBS. Click on: Request for admission.

Roland Meynet