R. Meynet, Le Psautier. L’ensemble du Livre des Louanges, RBSem 24, Peeters, Leuven 2020 (308 p.) Each of the five books of the Psalter has proved to be composed and well composed. The...
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90-106), RBSem 23, Peeters, Leuven 2020 (281 p.) The composition of the fourth book is in no way inferior to that of the other four books already analyzed...
Francesco Graziano, La Composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo, RBSem 22, Peeters, Leuven 2019 Commentators have always believed that the First Gospel presents an organic structural project...
Pietro Bovati – Roland Meynet, Il libro del profeta Amos. Seconda edizione rivista, RBSem 21, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (490 p.) Amos is one of the twelve “minor prophets”; the first...
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43-72), RBSem 20, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (420 p.) Like the first, third and fifth books of the Psalter, the second book of the Psalter is a very elaborate...
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), RBSem 19, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (269 p.) The third book of the Psalter is considerably shorter than the first and especially the fifth. Its...
F. Graziano – R. Meynet, Studi del sesto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, RBSem 18, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (364 p.) In odd-numbered years, the “International...
Massimo Grilli – † Jacek Oniszczuk – André Wénin, Filiation, entre Bible et cultures. Hommage à Roland Meynet, RBSem 17, Peeters, Leuven 2019 (427 p.) In his long career as a biblical scholar and...
Roland Meynet, Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), RBSem 16, Peeters, Leuven 2018 (637 p.) Back Cover Table of content Peeters Publishers Like the fifth book, the first book is not content to...
Jacek Oniszczuk, “Se il chicco di grano caduto in terra non muore…” (Gv 11-12), RBSem 15, Peeters, Leuven 2018 (241 p.) Back Cover RBSem_15_TOC Peeters Publishers The title of this study...